
Face4Net API v 1.0

The current version of the API contains the following functions:

  • • face detection in a photo;
  • • database training by face in a photo;
  • • face recognition in photos..

The API supports REST requests: POST, GET, DELETE, PUT for those methods for which they are required.
API functions list

Access to API methods is checked by two tokens that must be passed in each request: app_id and app_key. To test the API, you must use the following tokens:

  • app_id – 4c322ebb-7ae7-4be2-8cf7-1413afe4304e;
  • app_key – f98b16ad-93e8-45d8-ae02-785eba681bac.

Note that all requests with test tokens are placed in the same processing queue and have access to each other’s cluster. If you plan to continue testing the API for your own purposes, we recommend that you get your own tokens. It’s free. Read more on the “Pricing” page.

Documentation formats

API documentation is published in the following formats:

To use the documentation in Swagger format, follow the link and read the documentation.

To use the documentation in Postman format, download the Postman program и and import the documentation. The Postman program allows you to test API methods without programming.

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