
Face4Net API pricing:

Name: Price Terms of Use
Freebie free No registration required
100 photo/day
One hundred photo per day 6 €/month 100 photo/day
0,01 € cost overruns for each photo
Five hundreds photo per day 27 €/month 500 photo/day
0,009 € cost overruns for each photo
One thousand photo per day 48 €/month 1 000 photo/day
0,008 € cost overruns for each photo
Five thousands photo per day 210 €/month 5 000 photo/day
0,007 € cost overruns for each photo
Ten thousands photo per day 360 €/month 10 000 photo/day
0,006 € cost overruns for each photo

Rate “Freebie”

You do not need to register to use the “Freebie” tariff.

You use a shared limit and shared tokens:

  • app_id — 4c322ebb-7ae7-4be2-8cf7-1413afe4304e;
  • app_key — f98b16ad-93e8-45d8-ae02-785eba681bac.

Other rates

lf you do not have enough “Freebie” tariff for your purposes, you can register yourself in the service using the “Self-registration” link.

After registration, you will be issued personal tokens app_id and app_key, which will be considered access.

Terms of Use

Uploading a photo is considered a call to any API function that sends the photo to the server for processing.


Each additional photo processed in excess of the daily limit is considered an overspend.


Access to paid rates is provided by prepayment.

You can make a payment online or ask us to create an invoice by contacting us using our contact details.

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